
Revive MS May 2021

In thinking about what REVIVE MISSISSIPPI means to this state. I believe the time is short. I also believe that God is going to allow us to witness some fruits of our labor. I believe we are going to see more church plants, church relaunches, church revitalization projects, and youth revivals in these last days. There is a shaking taking place in many of our churches. Kingdom things are happening and I believe God is to going show us “BEYOND MEASURE MOMENTS.”

Mark 7:37  And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.
Years ago, I did a study on church planting. During that study, one of the greatest discoveries I made is that church planting is one of the most cost-effective ways to win a soul to Jesus. The church planter does not have his mind on building big buildings, hiring staff members, giving raises to staff members, installing new carpet, or anything of the sort. They have their mind on one thing -win the lost and BUILD THE KINGDOM. God has a way of placing people in our lives to make things happen for the building of HIS KINGDOM.
Sister Cleo Breland is one of those beautiful people that God placed in the path of the McLain Church of God years ago. At 101 years young, Sister Cleo still resides in her home and attends the McLain Church of God regularly. In fact, she was in church the Sunday I spoke! She has been a woman of God with many titles and has served this church over the years in many ways, including as secretary, Sunday School teacher (until age 90), and church planter. It was on the first Sunday in May 1939, that Sister Cleo and her husband, Percy, became charter members of the McLain Church of God. The church was started in a home in the Buffalo community but quickly grew. The couple had plans to use a piece of property to build themselves a home but felt the need to donate it. This property is where the McLain Church of God still stands today! Not only did they donate the land, every day Jet Breland, Percy Breland, and Wilburn Roberts would take the few molds they had and pour as many cement blocks as they could. The next day they would do it again until the church was completed. Even after all these years, Sister Cleo continues to see the fruit of her labor in the people and ministry at the McLain Church of God!
As I reflect on Sister Cleo Breland, I cannot help but think of Psalm 91:16 “With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.” You and I may never reach 101 years of age, but I believe the Lord is going to allow us to see some fruit from our giving.
We have an opportunity to be the next someone that God uses to bless a church planter, retired minister, or even a youth camp student. You will see many pictures in this edition of REVIVE MISSISSIPPI about successful kingdom projects taking place. Remember when you contribute to REVIVE MISSISSIPPI, you are giving to our YOUTH, CHURCH PLANTING, RETIRED MINISTERS, and many other ministries.
Glenda and I love and appreciate each of you!

Bishop Melvin Shuler