WOW! Have we seen a lot of that lately? Years ago I was speaking at a Church Growth Health Conference and these words came out of my mouth, ”Nobody likes change, except a wet baby “.
Professor Jim Bright stated from a survey conducted, “One in three people would avoid change if they could.” He went on to say that “Almost two thirds of people say that uncertainty about the future worries them.” I have two more quotes from the Professor.
“Almost 9 out of 10 people believe their lives will be very different in five years time.”
“Less than half agree they have a clear picture of what they are going to be doing and how they are going to get there.”
So it is very evident with change, comes uncertainty. You can take just a moment and reflect back on your life. It does not take long to realize things really change and change quick. Things change and that causes people to change.
In a few hours we witnessed a virus that we cannot see, not only caused you, your family, our State, our country and even our world to change. We witnessed businesses closed, offices closed and the list could go on. We witnessed people becoming sick and thousands losing their life. One thing that we were certain about was “uncertainty!” Our schedules changed, methods changed, styles of operations changed, but there is ONE that did not change.
In the midst of change, there is much uncertainty! But there is one certain thing I know: Hebrews 13:8 (NLT): Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
What a promise!! Someone that never changes! Today we witness change on every side. Some change we accept, some we tolerate, and some we can’t stand. Because of this someone (CHRIST) that never changes, I can endure all the things that change. This someone-Christ, was God, is God and will be God during all the uncertain times of your life. He is our Stabilizer, our Foundation, Rock in a weary land, Rock of Ages, Strong Rock, Rock of my Refuge, and my Rock and my Redeemer. Take a praise break and give HIM praise.
Here is a CHANGE I bring to you today. For years The Evangelism Department of Mississippi has been known as S.H.I.F.T. We have RENAMED our Evangelism Emphasis to “REVIVE
You have been so great to promote and contribute to this ministry. We continue to need your support. Our emphasis is not so much monetary as it is to facilitate and usher in REVIVAL for MISSISSIPPI. We are continuing to support church planters and assist pastors and churches in emergency situations. I am asking you to utilize the enclosed envelopes and continue your monthly contributions to REVIVE MISSISSIPPI! Your giving means so very much. As you contribute, please use that as a reminder to pray for Revival in Mississippi and around the world. Thank you for all you do for the King and the Kingdom!
Melvin R. Shuler